Wednesday 9 October 2013

writing in role rev casey

35 years I lived here, walked off a little bit east or a little bit wes’ but I always come back here. This is my home, my fambly’s home, this is the place my father lived and his father before him and dammit I thought it’d be the place where my son an’ his son ‘ould live aswell. Guess that just aint the way, the world has all kinda changes, guess some are good an’ some bad. A man’s gotta get on with ‘em all the same aint no point in wining ‘bout stuff a man’s gotta adapt. It sure is nice of the Joad’s to take a guy like me along with ‘em on this journey, I feel kinda bad if truth be told I always knowed they aint got the money to take me with ‘em, it’s just I can’t stay in Sallisaw no mor’ aint got nothin’ left here for me, aint no crops, aint no rain, there aint no nothin’ here no more ‘cept hunger an’ death.

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