Thursday 26 September 2013

first thoughts on grapes of wrath and future aspirations

I am really excited about our performance of grapes of wrath. the script is much longer than what i am used to and the dialogue far more advanced, this gives me the oppertunity to challenge myself and enhance my skills as an actor. I also believe that the characters in this script are far more advanced than the characters that i have performed as before, i feel that because of this i can really spend time understanding and becoming my character far more than i have in previous productions. I intend to method act this piece; providing I get one stable character rather than multiple different characters. the reason i intendend to do this is because I believe that it is the best way to become and understand your character, this means I intend to spend the week leading up to the performance using no modern appliances i.e. mobile phones, TV etc as I feel it will give me an empathy with the character im portraying, furthermore I intend to maintain the accent of my character the the week prior to and the days of the show to make sure it is done to the best of my ability.

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